Tuesday 11 October 2011

School magazine analysis

This is a magazine cover for St Mary's School. The house colours of the school are clearly green and gold. these two colours are very sophisticated whcih reflects the schools manner. The use of gold in the magazine connotes wealth, this could show that the school is a wealthy and well established school. Also they use the school emblem on their front page with the latin. Emblems with latin scripts are stereotypically linked to privates schools which could show this is a private school. Princess Anne is included on the front page, this shows the importance of the school within society. The simple layout reflects the schools elegance and sophistication. The images are layed out neatly and they contrast against deep green colour emphasising the importance of the photos. These images reflect the schools key aims, these are Drama, Sports and Education. The name St Mary's is a very patriotic name which could signify this school is a well established and religious school. Overall there is a clear feel that this school is a private individual school due to the sophisticated layout and the colours.

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