Sunday 30 October 2011

Music magazine

This is a magazine front cover for Q magazine.The layering of the script gives the front cover a chaotic feel maybe signifying its aimed at a younger audience ages between 18 and 35 because it attracts their eye. They have also layered Madonna over the masthead this is done on many magazines, showing that they are so well known that the masthead does not need to be fully shown. I will incoorperate this into my magazine to show that it is a professional and well known product.
The use of different colours, sizes and styles of fonts draws the eye to specific words, MADONNA stands out because it is in capitals, its red and it is bold. This shows they have interviewed Madonna and this is quite important for the public view of the magazine because she is a very famous individual.
In the image Madonna is wearing dark colours which contrasts against the bright colours of the font and also against her skin which could signify an almost saintly woman with a dark side which can be said to reflect Madonna's life.
The company logo 'Q' stands out from the page because it is the only serif writing on the page the rest is all sans-serif.
By looking at the page you can tell the company colours is red, white and black. These colours are not swayed to each gender, they appeal to both. This shows that the magazine is aimed at both genders. Although these colours may appeal to both genders, there are only women on the front cover of this magazine which may show that this edition of the magazine is for women. Men could also be attracted to this magazine because of Madonna's sex appeal. You can also see that the magazine is aimed at a middle class audience because Madonna came from a middle class family, also the price- £3.90, reflects the audience because it is too much for a lower class individual.

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