Sunday 30 October 2011

Music magazine name ideas

When thinking of name ideas I would like to create a unique and edgy name which has a modern feel. Maybe using a foreign language for an English musical term? or maybe something that has nothing to do with musical terms to make it different?

  1. Rytmus- This is Czech for rhythm
  2. Musiikki- This is Finnish for Music
  3. Bacio-  This is Italian for kiss
  4. MBS- Abbreviation for music, bands, song
  5. Musica-  This is Italian for music
  6. EDGE- This is quite an individual and quirky name
  7. Unplugged- I like this name because it has a link to music but it is quite unique
  8. Download-  This is a modern way of life, hence reflecting my modern idea
  9. Pause- This is related to a musical term
  10. Acoustic- This is a form of non electronic music, this name is a very simple name
  11. Another idea i could do is making the shape of the mast head out of headphones
Out of these my favourit is Pause because it has a link to music, but also it reflects of the idea of the buyer stopping to read the magazine.

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