Wednesday 25 January 2012

My Double page spread

I started by halving the page, I wanted to have just one page dedicated to the model so the reader could rip it out and use it as a poster. I chose to add a quote for the masthead because it gives the reader an insight of what will be in the article, and it allows them to trigger an emotion on whether they agree with what she is saying. I also added my house colour orange, by making a border. I increased the contrast on the image to give a warming feel which compliments the orange boarder.

I then changed the masthead and introduction paragraph into my house colour blue because I really want my magazine to have a strong brand identity.

When writing my article, I used my house blue for the questions, and my house orange for the answers. Doing this allows the reader to clearly separate what the question is and what the answer is.

I added in a byline in the orange box to allow the reader to know it is by a important person. I also briefly made a magazine cover of a photo that I had taken of my model previously. The image of my CD will be below. I also added in the stereotypical large letter to start the article of, matching the conventions of a magazine article.

I really liked this photo I had taken of my model on a previous shoot and thought it went well with the CD name 'Day dreamer'.
Here is my final DPS, I added in page numbers, and a signature written on my writing tablet.

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