Friday 25 November 2011

Target audience

When deciding my target audience I have thought of many factors, for example- whether its aimed at a mass or niche audience, what gender/s, age range, social group etc.
I am aiming my magazine at a niche audience. The genre I am aiming my music at is a retro style- reflecting bands like the Beetles and Rolling stones but with a modern day twist. I have chosen the retro feel because retro is always going to be a fashionable aspect. And as the years go by things that are classed as retro change, this allows the magazine to change so it is not the same all the time.
I will try to appeal to both the male and female gender. I will do this by using colours that appeal to both, such as red. This would not work if I used pink because it is a more specific colour which is aimed at young girls.
The class I am aiming my magazine at is middle class. This is because the majority of people today are middle class citizens, allowing there to be a lot more people who are into that genre of music. This also branches out into upper class citizens and retro and vintage is known to be quite expensive sometimes. The price of my magazine will be £3.00.
The age range of my magazine will be between 16 and 25 because this is the age that people are more concious about fashion. Also this age they start to get jobs so they will be able to afford this magazine.

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