Sunday 20 November 2011

Magazine analysis number 2

This magazine front cover is for MOJO. The individual is over the mast head, this gives it a 3D feel, this provides an up to date feel which contrasts the theme of the magazine. The overlapping on the Mast head suggests that its a well established magazine so there is no need to show the whole mast head, this allows the readership to feel as if they know the magazine.
This magazine uses a lot of advertisement puffs like 'Plus!' and 'Free' this lures new customers in and keeps current customers. These words grabs their attention and makes them want to buy the magazine and read on creating a loyal audience.
The house colours are black red an white, these appeal to both genders and are very contrasting, allowing each word to stand out against each other. This is a good marketing technique, and I will use similar house colours in my magazine front cover.
There is a Skyline on the top of the front cover, This catches the readers eye because it runs across the top of the image, almost like a headline. This is effective because if it is worded right it could be what persuades the customer to buy the magazine.
The average price of a MOJO magazine is around £4 this shows that it is aimed at middle to upper class people, also the content holds quite old subject matter which could also prove that its aimed at an older audience (30+). Although I have stated that it is for an older audience there is also a chance of it appealing to a younger audience (16-25) because younger people are into fashion, and retro is a big part of fashion today. By the use of men in this front cover it is obvious that it is aimed at males, there is also a factor that females will be interested in it because of the attraction.

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