Sunday 4 December 2011

Making my front cover

Here i started with a plain photo as a base layer. I made a duplicate layer and then deleted the original layer to allow me to do anything i wanted with it because the original layer was locked.

I then added the masthead in, but previously I had sad that I wanted to overlap the mast head.

Here is where i overlapped her head over te mast head. I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut a section out of her head and create a new layer on top of the masthead.

Here is the base layer of my magazine with the added text. Now i have to add in my advertisement puff and barcode.

This is the magazine in large with a vinyl disk as my advertisement puff. I took a photo of my model holding a vinyl disk and then cut the disk out with a circular selection too and then pasted it into this front cover, adding text over the top.

Friday 2 December 2011

Slogan name ideas

With my slogan on my magazine I would like one which is short, snappy and to the point. I would also like to use a clever slogan to drawer in new readers.

  • Music is life
  • Read, like , share...V
  • Music to YOUR taste
  • The place to V 
  • The best V around

My favourite out of thes is ''The place to V'' I have chosen to use this as the slogan on my magazine because it is short, catchy and replacing the V instead of be has a play on words and it draws the customers in.