Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
These two pieces of work I did for my preliminary task. I produced these on Serif Photo Plus and Serif Page Plus, I then did my coursework task on Photoshop CS4. I felt that I have learnt how to use a range of post editing manipulation programmes. But in future I will use Photoshop as I feel that it is a more professional programme.
I have also learnt how to manipulate images in a more professional way by saturating, desaturating, increasing and decreasing contrast, changing the hue etc. I feel as if this has been a key part to making my work look more successful as it makes it look professional.
I have been able to adapt my language and typefont to the theme of the magazines for example- in the schools magazine I used very formal language with a traditional handwritten style font. This gives the school an established theme. Whereas in the Music magazine I used language that is themed round blues, this allowed the reader to feel as if they know the magazine. I also used sans-serif font, this gives the magazine a more modern an up to date feel which is what i was aiming for in my magazine.
I have also learnt how to use more sophisticated editing tools on Photoshop, such as the opacity of an image, the pen tool, the blemish tool and the clone stamp tool. In learning this I feel as if my magazine has benefited from it making it look more professional.